
Both Of My Pool Lights Are Out... What Do I Do?

Views : 600
Update time : 2018-09-20 18:53:21

We have customers call us and say, "I can't get my pool lights to come on. Can you help?" 

Yes, we can help. Obviously, there could be a number of reasons for your pool lights to not be working such as a burned out pool light bulb, water inside the fixture, bad GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) just to name a few. All of these issues should be inspected and diagnosed by a qualified repair technician.

However, I wanted to talk a little about something having to do with the GFCI and how it works, as well as what you can do first before calling to schedule a diagnosis of your non-working pool light/lights.

The GFCI is a mechanism used in homes as a protective surge unit much like surge protectors that you buy to plug in your computer, TV, etc. It's main function is to take the surge of electricity from perhaps accidentally dropping a hair dryer in the bath tub or lightening striking close to your house, and shuts that electricity off at the point before reaching you or the items you are protecting.

In this way, pool lights, if wired correctly, are hooked up to a GFCI as well and are designed to prevent electrocution, or worse, when you go to turn them on.

Now with that being said, let me offer a tip on the one thing you can do as a swimming pool owner prior to calling to set up a service call. I want to preface this by saying if you have a spa and pool light, but only ONE of them is working, this most likely will not work. 

But if you have a single pool light in the pool or if both spa and pool light are not coming on when you flip the switch, then you could possibly only have a tripped GFCI.

In that case, what you want to do is simply find the GFCI (usually located near or at the box where you turn on your pool light/lights) and check to see if it has been "tripped". You may ask, "How do I know if it has been tripped?" 

On all GFCI receptacles, there are 2 buttons. One is a "reset" button (red button in image below) and one is a "test" button (black button in image below). When a GFCI is tripped, the reset button will be popped out further than the test button.

Push the reset button back in and try turning on the pool light/lights again at the switch. If your pool lights work, you are done and there may be no need to call us. If not, or if it pops the GFCI again, absolutely call us and have one of our qualified techs come out and diagnose it. 